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Вакансії EPAM Systems

Вакансії EPAM Systems (https://www.epam.com/)

  • Java Trainee
  • Quality Assurance Trainee
  • Front-End Trainee
  • .NETTrainee
  • DevOps Trainee

Established in 1993, EPAM Systems, Inc. (NYSE: EPAM) is a software product development company. Headquartered in the United States, EPAM serves clients worldwide utilizing its award-winning global delivery platform and locations in 19 countries across North America, Europe, Asia and Australia.  EPAM drives business value through four main service lines: digital engagement, intelligent enterprise, business transformation and advanced engineering. EPAM is recognized as a leader in the Product Development Services space, a primary agile services player and ranked among Top 10 Global Commerce Service Providers by leading independent research firms.

Додаткова інформація у відділі організації сприяння працевлаштуванню студентів к. 231 (Головний корпус).